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The Ultimate Guide to Foam Rolling for Muscle Recovery

The Ultimate Guide to Foam Rolling for Muscle Recovery

Are you constantly feeling sore after workouts and strenuous activities? Have you tried various forms of muscle recovery such as stretching and massage therapy, but still feel like you aren’t fully recovering? It’s time to add foam rolling to your routine! Foam rolling is a self-massage technique that improves circulation, lengthens muscles, and alleviates muscle soreness. In this Ultimate Guide to Foam Rolling for Muscle Recovery, we will break down everything you need to...

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Cancer Patients

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Cancer Patients

  Cancer is one of the most debilitating and life-changing illnesses that can impact an individual. In many cases, radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery is the immediate course of treatment. However, treatment of cancer also includes physiotherapy, which is a clinical method of treating ailments using various physical techniques. Physiotherapy is an excellent approach to alleviate pain and discomfort associated with cancer. In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of ph...

Hip Pain from Sitting and What You Can Do About It

Hip Pain from Sitting and What You Can Do About It

  Are you someone who sits for long hours in front of a computer or in a car, or at a desk? Do you experience hip pain after prolonged sitting? If the answer is yes, then you are not alone. Many people experience hip pain from sitting for long periods of time. It can be a result of muscle imbalances, poor posture, or lack of movement. If you’re looking for a solution to avoid hip pain, then keep reading to find out what you can do about it.   1. ...

Stretching for Pain Relief and Overall Wellness

Stretching for Pain Relief and Overall Wellness

  Stretching is an effective way to keep your muscles strong and flexible, and it can provide pain relief and overall wellness. Whether you exercise regularly or are just looking to improve your flexibility, adding stretching to your routine can have many benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of stretching, what it can do for you, and how B Physical Therapy can help you develop a stretching program that suits your needs.   1. Wh...

Core Stability Tips to Improve Your Posture And Functionality

Core Stability Tips to Improve Your Posture And Functionality

  Do you suffer from back pain, poor posture, or struggle with everyday activities that require physical exertion? Believe it or not, your core muscles may be the underlying issue. The core muscles play a fundamental role in stabilizing the spine and maintaining balance. If these muscles are weak, it can lead to faulty movements, loss of balance, and even increased risk of injury. With that said, let's dive into some core stability tips that can help improve your posture an...

Glute Bridge Exercise Progressions for Rotary Stability

Glute Bridge Exercise Progressions for Rotary Stability

When you think of exercise, you probably think of running or lifting weights. However, it's important to remember that exercise should encompass all parts of your body, including your core. The glute bridge exercise is a fantastic way to target your glutes and core muscles for improved overall stability. But did you know that the glute bridge can also help with rotary stability? In this blog post, we'll explore glute bridge exercise progressions and discuss how they can improv...

The Influence of Pelvic Position on Lower Extremity Stretching

The Influence of Pelvic Position on Lower Extremity Stretching

  Stretching is an essential component of physical therapy that is helpful in improving flexibility, reducing muscle tension, and preventing injuries. However, not all stretching techniques are created equal, and a crucial aspect to consider is the position of the pelvis during stretching. The position of the pelvis plays a significant role in the effectiveness of lower extremity stretching. This blog post explores the influence of pelvic position on lower extremity stretching ...

The Top Tips to Gain Shoulder Internal Rotation

The Top Tips to Gain Shoulder Internal Rotation

  Shoulder mobility is essential to perform daily activities like brushing the hair or reaching for objects on a higher shelf. An essential component of shoulder mobility is internal rotation, which enables us to reach behind our backs. However, shoulder internal rotation can be a challenging range of motion to gain. Many factors, such as poor posture, shoulder injuries, or simply aging, contribute to the limitation of internal rotation. But don't worry, in this blog post, ...

Using Science to Enhance Exercise for Optimal Results

Using Science to Enhance Exercise for Optimal Results

  “Exercise is medicine,” is a phrase that has been thrown around in the health and wellness industry for years. The benefits of exercise have been researched and proven; exercise can help you battle chronic health conditions, improve mental health, increase life expectancy, and boost energy levels. However, not all exercises are created equal. It's important to understand that the science behind exercise has shown us that some exercises are more effective in ac...

The Chin Tuck & Nod Exercises: Benefits and How to Do Them Correctly

The Chin Tuck & Nod Exercises: Benefits and How to Do Them Correctly

  If you're experiencing neck pain or stiffness, two exercises that can help alleviate symptoms are the chin tuck and chin nod exercises. These exercises are straightforward and easy to perform, and can be done almost anywhere. In this blog post, we’ll explore these exercises’ benefits and how you can do them correctly to alleviate neck pain.   Before we dive in, let’s explain what the chin tuck and chin nod exercises are. The chin...

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