Physical Therapy for

Knee Arthritis

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Knee Arthritis

How Does It Feel?

  • Sharp pain in the knee joint
  • Stabbing pain in the knee joint
  • Dull pain in the front of back of the knee
  • Aching in the front or back of the knee
  • Throbbing in the knee joint
  • Stiff in the knee joint
  • Clicking when moving the knee
  • Tight in the knee and surrounding muscles
  • Grinding in the knee joint when moving or walking

Signs & Symptoms

Worsening pain during or following activity, particularly with walking, climbing, or descending stairs, or moving from a sitting to standing position

Pain or stiffness after sitting with the knee bent or straight for a prolonged period of time

A feeling of popping, cracking, or grinding when moving the knee

Swelling following activity

Tenderness to touch along the knee joint

Decreased pain with rest/unweighting the knee joint

Stiffness in knee

Weakness in the hip, knee, or leg

Muscle spasms and pain around the hip, knee, or leg

Pain in the front, back, or sides of the knee


What We Do

We conduct a thorough examination including the back, hips, knee, and ankle/foot. We determine the root cause of your symptoms to ensure that physical therapy treatment is the best option for you.

How We Do It

We examine posture, range of motion, strength, reflexes, sensation, soft tissue mobility, joint mobility, nerve mobility, and functional movements to create a custom treatment plan. We also take into account any imaging that you have had like X-Rays, MRI, CT scans, etc.

Why We Do It

Recent research has actually shown that physical therapy is a better option than surgery, pain medication and injections. We can help you avoid unnecessary invasive procedures and tests that cost a fortune with limited effectiveness.

Some of the most important factors that affect knee arthritis are diet, overall health, weight, quadriceps strength, hip strength, and lower body flexibility. We address each of these factors during the course of your treatment.

What Our
Patients Are Saying

I highly recommend B Physical in Oviedo! I injured my knee playing sand volleyball and my doctor was recommending PT (with their own in-house high priced therapists) before we consider surgery. I instead went on my own with Steven B and it was a great choice. Just started playing vball again and looks like I prevented surgery! I have more mobility and less pain than I’ve had in years of neglect. Thank you!”

- Eric B.

I've had knee issues since I was a child. Being an avid runner didn't exactly help my knees and I've dealt with frequent pain and swelling for years. After a friend's recommendation, I chose to see Dr. B to see if he could help me enjoy running again, pain free. I was skeptical at first, but week after week I saw improvements. Dr. B took the time to talk with me, discuss my goals, my issues, and/or hesitation with certain exercises. He never judged or made me feel I couldn't do it. His patience was a breath of fresh air. His enthusiasm made me excited to share my progress! After just a few months I am happy to share I ran for the first time in almost 2 years without my knee brace! And for the first time in YEARS without pain! Thank you Dr. B!

- Donna M.

Treatment Plan

We may use a combination of the following
techniques to help you get your life back:

  • Joint manipulation/mobilization to decrease pain and improve knee motion
  • Soft tissue mobilization to reduce muscle guarding and tension to allow you move easier with less pain
  • Dry Needling to reduce muscular pain and increase the health of muscle tissue
  • Neuromuscular retraining to teach your body how to move in a better way
  • Mobility training to increase flexibility and range of motion in your hips, knees, and ankles
  • Strength training increase your hip, knee, and lower body strength to prevent future injury
  • Endurance training to improve your capacity to do what you love without pain

What Should I Do Next?

Schedule an initial examination
Let us find the root cause of your pain
Create a custom treatment plan for you
Start living pain-free!

Eliminate Pain, Enjoy Your Life, B Your Best!

Want More Information?

Schedule a complimentary consultation
(407) 698-5558
Download “6 Things You Can Do to Start Decreasing Your Pain”
Download “The Healthy Lifestyle Checklist”
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