Physical Therapy for

Quad Strain

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Knee pain

How Does It Feel?

  • Sharp pain in the front of the thigh
  • Tightness in the front of the thigh
  • Stiffness in the front of the thigh
  • Dull pain along the front of the thigh
  • Aching in the front of the thigh
  • Throbbing in the front of the thigh
  • Tightness in the quadriceps muscle
  • Stiffness in the quadriceps muscle

Signs & Symptoms

Feel a sharp pull on the front of your thigh

Occasionally, feel a pop on the front of your thigh when the injury occurs

Tenderness to the touch

Difficulty lifting the leg

Swelling or bruising on the front of your thigh

Pain and tightness on the front of your thigh

Continuous pain following activity, particularly with walking, climbing, or descending stairs, or moving from a sitting to standing position.

Decreased pain with rest


What We Do

We conduct a thorough examination including the back, hips, knee, and ankle/foot. We determine the root cause of your symptoms to ensure that physical therapy treatment is the best option for you.

How We Do It

We examine posture, range of motion, strength, reflexes, sensation, soft tissue mobility, joint mobility, nerve mobility, and functional movements to create a custom treatment plan. We also take into account any imaging that you have had like X-Rays, MRI, CT scans, etc.

Treatment Plan

We may use a combination of the following
techniques to help you get your life back:

  • Joint manipulation/mobilization to decrease pain and improve knee motion
  • Soft tissue mobilization to reduce muscle guarding and tension to allow you move easier with less pain
  • Dry Needling to reduce muscular pain and increase the health of muscle tissue
  • Neuromuscular retraining to teach your body how to move in a better way
  • Mobility training to increase flexibility and range of motion in your hips, knees, and ankles
  • Strength training increase your hip, knee, and lower body strength to prevent future injury
  • Endurance training to improve your capacity to do what you love without pain

What Should I Do Next?

Schedule an initial examination
Let us find the root cause of your pain
Create a custom treatment plan for you
Start living pain-free!

Eliminate Pain, Enjoy Your Life, B Your Best!

Want More Information?

Schedule a complimentary consultation
(407) 698-5558
Download “6 Things You Can Do to Start Decreasing Your Pain”
Download “The Healthy Lifestyle Checklist”
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