Regain Strength and Mobility After Surgery with Therapy

Regain Strength and Mobility After Surgery with Therapy

Regain Strength and Mobility After Surgery with Therapy


Recovering from surgery is no walk in the park. It requires a great deal of both physical and mental strength to bounce back to full health. Luckily, there are several forms of therapy available that can help you regain your strength and mobility after surgery. In Oviedo, FL, there is a wide range of physical therapy options available to those looking to recover from an injury or surgery.

Physical Therapy for Injury and Surgery Recovery

Physical therapy is essential for injury recovery, as it helps you regain strength, flexibility, and balance. After surgery, physical therapists can help guide your recovery process by designing a customized program that best suits your needs. Physical therapists will assess your range of motion, joint flexibility, balance and coordination skills, muscle strength, posture alignment, walking/running skills and more in order to determine the best plan of action for treatment. Common methods used during physical therapy sessions include therapeutic exercises such as stretches or resistance training with weights or bands; manual therapy techniques such as massage; ultrasound or electrical stimulation treatments; heat or cold therapies; aquatic therapy; dry needling; and more.


At-Home Exercises for Surgery Recovery

In addition to visiting a physical therapist for regular appointments or sessions, many patients benefit from doing at-home exercises between visits in order to maximize their recovery time. Your physical therapist can provide you with specific exercises tailored to your individual needs that you can do at home on your own schedule. Some common types of at-home exercises include stretching & strengthening exercises using light weights; low-impact cardiovascular activities like swimming or biking; balance & stability exercises using balls or foam rollers; yoga poses & breathing techniques; self-massage techniques using foam rollers or tennis balls; and more.

Recovering from surgery requires both patience and dedication—but it doesn’t have to be done alone! With the help of professional physical therapists in Oviedo who specialize in injury rehabilitation & post-surgery care combined with regular at-home exercise routines prescribed by your therapist—you can get back on track towards regaining strength and mobility in no time! So don’t wait—contact a trusted local provider today! B Physical Therapy offers a variety of simple and effective treatment plans that has helped hundreds of patients become pain-free and get their life back! Book an appointment to get started.

Eliminate Pain, Enjoy Your Life, B Your Best!

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