Physical Therapy Benefits for Plantar Fasciitis

Physical Therapy Benefits for Plantar Fasciitis

Physical Therapy Benefits for Plantar Fasciitis

Your plantar fascia is a powerful band of tissue on the base of your foot that travels from your heel to your toes. It sustains the arch of your foot, which is particularly essential for walking. Plantar fasciitis is a familiar cause of heel discomfort that happens when your plantar fascia is inflamed. Our experts in physiotherapy in Oviedo offer a range of physical therapy services and have extensive experience treating problems like plantar fasciitis.

Plantar fasciitis makes walking painful and interferes with your capacity to have an active lifestyle. Physical therapy and physiotherapy are often recommended to ease plantar fasciitis pain and promote healing.

Plantar fasciitis is provoked by added stress or tension on your plantar fascia from things like expanded activity levels, strains, inferior footwear, and tendon tightness. This kind of heel pain is pronounced in the morning or after prolonged standing or inactivity, and plantar fasciitis pain generally worsens over time. Pain may emerge suddenly after movement, like jumping, or it may seem to appear out of nowhere. In addition, your discomfort may subside with activity or after warming up but can increase with prolonged or strenuous exercise. Finally, footwear with poor support can exacerbate heel pain. Physical therapy often significantly improves plantar fasciitis healing. It can relieve plantar fasciitis pain so you can progress and be active without pain. A physical therapist also addresses any factors contributing to the pain, lowering your chance of re-injury.

Here are some benefits of physical therapy for plantar fasciitis in Oviedo.

Relieves pain

Proper footwear helps keep your foot in a more natural position, supports your arch, and reduces strain on your plantar fascia. In addition, exercise modification with the support of a physical therapist can help you remain involved in activities while decreasing the pressure on your ankle, permitting it to recover. The greatest goal of physical therapy is to strengthen your foot muscles to adequately support and stabilize your arch without needing external support.

Your physical therapist might recommend night splints to manage your pain. They keep your Achilles tendon, calves, and plantar fascia stretched, so they don't tense up overnight, helping reduce morning pain connected with plantar fasciitis.

Enhances mobility

Calf muscle tightness and Achilles tendon mobility limitations often cause tension in the plantar fascia. A physical therapist can evaluate which areas of your body are limited and help you with stretches.

Physical therapy for plantar fasciitis also boosts strength, perseverance, and neuromuscular control of ankle and foot muscles, helping to support your arch and relieve tension through your plantar fascia to move better with less pain.

Restores muscle imbalances

Muscle weaknesses in the hips, feet, and core can alter your lower leg movement and landings during jumping and running, predisposing your ankle and foot to an overuse injury. A physical therapist can evaluate which parts of your body are more vulnerable and develop an exercise routine to fix these problems.

Assesses walking mechanics

During a routine evaluation, physical therapists are trained to identify muscle deficiencies and imbalances and know how these insufficiencies can damage walking or running. Then, an expert on physiotherapy in Oviedo can specify exercises to manage observed deficits based on examining muscle function. Applicable practices concentrate on how your body functions as a unit during movements. This enhances your activity and decreases the recurrence of foot problems like plantar fasciitis.

These are some benefits of physical therapy for plantar fasciitis in Oviedo. Contact us today for more information.

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